When selecting any type of business insurance, the goal is to minimize risk. These policies are often for very specific types of risks. Yet, most business owners don’t recognize the risks they face just by operating their company.
Why do you need all of this insurance protection? Why are you facing risks like this? The good news is that once you learn what your risks are, you can select a policy that minimizes them.
What Could Happen to Your Small Business? 
There is no way to tell if any type of peril will impact your business at any time during its operation. There is no way to prevent risks either. It is important to address some of the most common risk factors occurring to businesses of all types. Here is a look at some of those.
- Theft. Employees can steal from your business. Others can steal from you. Property insurance helps to minimize these losses. Employee dishonesty policies can reduce inside losses.
- Fires. A fire can lead to significant losses for any small business. Not only will it require being nonoperational for a period of time, but you may lose the structure, inventory, documents within, and furnishings. Property insurance can cover these losses. Business interruption insurance can help to cover the loss of being operational.
- Employee injury. Workers' compensation is important in this case. It can help to pay an injured or ill workers’ medical costs, lost time, and ongoing medical needs. You may even have to use it even if the business wasn't directly responsible for the person's medical problems.
- Accidents. A customer may fall and become hurt. General liability insurance can cover this along with other negligence claims that customers or third parties make in relation to your company.
- Mistakes. You or your employees may make mistakes in providing a service or information to a customer. This can result in their illness or even death. Liability insurance and umbrella liability insurance can help to minimize this risk.
Of course, there are many other risks. Employees may steal from your customers. You could face a breach in data leading to cyber risks. Your small business could also experience vandalism. The good news is that a comprehensive business insurance policy will help you to avoid many of these financial losses by simply providing you with coverage.
Dave Millet Insurance Agency is here to help you get the insurance coverage you need for your business. Call us right now to get a fast, free business insurance quote at one of our locations.